Can you afford the RV life?
The Luminous Eye The Luminous Eye

Can you afford the RV life?

Think you’ve got the bank account to join the RV life movement? How long could you survive if you just quit your job and hit the road? Is it cheaper than being tied down in an apartment or house? Is the call of the road a pull toward a youthful freedom full of Huck Finn style adventure, or a siren song leading you toward certain financial ruin? That’s what we’re here today to find out. We’ve been researching the costs involved in full-time RVing, and we’re going to introduce some cold hard facts into the almost mythical concept of the RV life. So if you like that cold splash of water in the morning, strap in and come along for the ride.

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Where to go and how to get there: An RV life photographer's tale
The Luminous Eye The Luminous Eye

Where to go and how to get there: An RV life photographer's tale

Alright, it’s road-trip time y’all, let’s go somewhere! According to the map, if I travel 30 nautical miles north by northwest, I’ll arrive at… no, no, that’s north by northeast. Just hold on everybody, I’m trying to get my bearings, it’s an awfully big world out there. I think this compass might be broken is all, otherwise I’d be fine. Maybe with a better map, or… Geez, there must be a better way than this. Maybe it’s best if we slow down for a second and get my system sorted.

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Husband vs. Wife: Can an artistic, creative woman select a boss truck, or is this a man’s job?
The Luminous Eye The Luminous Eye

Husband vs. Wife: Can an artistic, creative woman select a boss truck, or is this a man’s job?

I am a lady, ok? I have never in my life thought about what sort of truck I might want. I have no idea what torque is, and I don’t feel I need to. But if you think I’m just going to turn this decision over to my husband without getting my vote heard, think again. Now, he’s going to have his process for making the choice, and I’m going to have mine.

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The Luminous Castle:                    How to Choose an Appropriately Epic RV
The Luminous Eye The Luminous Eye

The Luminous Castle: How to Choose an Appropriately Epic RV

Ok, so I need an RV castle on wheels, but I have no idea which one to get. I mean, go big, or go home, right? Wait, can’t be my big? If I go small, does that mean I’m already home? Can I go too big and like, over-home myself? I’m having some sort of a goldilocks moment here, I think I’m spinning out. What I’m trying to figure out, is what sort of RV I need to become the Luminous Castle.

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