The secrets of light painting. Join me on a night time photo shoot.

Hello friends and neighbors, welcome back to the Luminous Journey.  I’m super pumped today, because we’re going to capture this:

Iron Horse by artist Pierre Riche

Bicentennial Sculpture Park - City of Reno

Can you believe how amazing that is?!  You saw in my last video how much equipment it takes to do this, now let’s get into the process.  We’re going to start with scouting a couple locations that we know of in the area, then we’ll take you with us AFTER DARK to capture the raw image.  Finally, we’ll bring you back to my office for a quick look at some of the post production that goes into finalizing the image.  This is my art, my passion, and the foundation of this journey.  I can’t wait to see if you enjoy it as much as I do.

—> Watch This On YouTube By Clicking HERE.

The Luminous Eye

Hello! I’m photographer and light painting-artist who is inspired by places, cultures, nature. I document my journey on my Youtube channel under the LUMINOUS JOURNEY. Come, join and get your ticket for the ride!

The Luminous Castle: How to Choose an Appropriately Epic RV


What do you need to paint with light?  The equipment I carry into the field.